
Model of Smart School

Speaking and Listening Skills

  • To help identify gaps in foundational English skills followed by counseling and developing a personalized online program to help students master conversational English.
  • The Program is incredibly interactive & fast paced, with students hearing or speaking 1500 words per lesson.
  • Covers lots of topics in every lesson, like real conversation, with scientific spaced repetition for mastery.

Personal Development
& Life skills

  • Equip the students with life skills to face challenges, failures, setbacks in life.
  • The whole brain method of training activates both side of the brain, thus accelerating learning.
  • The neuro linguistic learning program improves the communication skills required in the competitive era for the growing students.

Digital Lab

  • Integrated Computer Lab
  • 20 monitors and high configuration
  • Fully loaded with Curriculum based Videos, Lectures, Micro Learning Program
AI Driven